When viewing the form entries using the "Export to PDF" button generates a generic line by line entriy form. Would like to see and option to define a custom PDF template for the PDF export like the PDF generated in the email. Similar to the esr_pdf_enable/esr_pdf_content used to enable and store the template used for generating the email PDF.
Currently for myself in the "view_entry_pdf.php" at line 62 I have currently replaced h4>#'.$entry_id.'</h4 with the html I need to generate a specific form layout I need.
Of course it looks quite amusing when I select "Export to PDF" for a form that template is not made for. It is a form that needs to be printed for the employee file and seems inefficient to use the email button to generated the pdf go to email download/open pdf and then print. I have other forms that pending that will need the same ability to export the PDF.
Perhaps in the ap_form table create a new columns "pdf_export_enable" and "pdf_export_content" to hold the option and template?