In the new version 15 I have tried to modify the address labels as before by editing Language.PHP
However no matter how I edit it the first address field label is always the same as the second one. In the example below the first address field should be labeled Street Address and the second one should be labeled Address Line 2 but in the form they are both labeled Street Address.
$mf_lang['address_street'] = 'Street Address';
$mf_lang['address_street2'] = 'Address Line 2';
$mf_lang['address_city'] = 'City or Town';
$mf_lang['address_state'] = 'County / State / Province / Region';
$mf_lang['address_zip'] = 'Postal / Zip Code';
$mf_lang['address_country'] = 'Country';
This is the same no matter what label I give the first field, it is always duplicated in the second field.
I checked the page code and found this:
<span id="li_3_span_1">
<label for="element_3_1">Street Address</label>
<input id="element_3_1" name="element_3_1" class="element text large" value="" type="text" />
<span id="li_3_span_2" style="display: none">
<label for="element_3_1">Street Address</label>
<input id="element_3_2" name="element_3_2" class="element text large" value="" type="text" />
It would appear that the second field label is for element 3_1 which is the same as the first field label. This must surely be wrong as it means that the second address field will always have the same label as the first.
Can anyone help please? Note the page code has been formatted out of my control but does show the issue clearly if you read it all including the part in the separate box.