andreamarucci Your description is rather brief and vague, but I assume that you want to implement what I will call a multi-part form in Machform. First I need to define what I mean by multi-part form (MPF). An MPF on paper is a form with multiple pages of different sizes with a mechanism (like carbon paper or pressure sensitive paper) to allow what is written on the top page to be reproduced on the pages below. Person A fills out the top page, which is short, tears it and keeps it and gives the form to person B. Person B fills out page 2, which is longer and contains all the information filled out by person A. Person B fills out additional fields, tears off their sheet and keeps it and gives the form to Person C, and so on.
If this is what you want, Machform cannot do this. I really wish it could. There is a clumsy workaround that uses the "save and resume" feature of Machform to approximate this, but I have come to the opinion that this is more trouble than it is worth. It seems to me that Appnitro, the Machform developers, could, without too much effort, modify the "save and resume" code to allow this additional functionality. (Of course, it easy for me to say this wouldn't be hard for the developers to do this; I don't have to do the work. But I think it would be a very useful feature for many Machform users and would be worth the effort.)
If what you want is a single form filled out by a single person which, upon submission, sends out notifications to multiple people with different sets of data from the form being sent to each one, then I suppose you could do that by using multiple notification emails (you would have to use "email logic" to do this), each one customized to show only the required data. But you would have to be all right with sending out all this information through email, which is inherently insecure. If you give a person access to see the entries of a form in Machform, that person will see all of the entries; you can't assign entry viewing access on an entry-by-entry basis - it's all or nothing.
If both of my guesses about what you are asking for are wrong, please describe what you are trying to do in more detail.