Hi there. I have sevel Machforms which are successfully populating to Google Sheets on submission.
But - I've just noticed that some entries are missing. I have about 1,000 entries, but when i look at the IDs for each submission in Google sheets, not all are there. for example, entry #104 is missing - but #103 and #105 are there.
When I check the entries directly in Machform, entry #104 is there!
I have about 30 submissions out of 1,000 missing.
How can this happen?
Has anyone else experienced this?
I'm not on the latest version (V14 - self hosted) but surely if the connection is working, all submissions should be passed over to Google Sheets?
If it's a version issue, I'm worried about upgrading in case I miss further submissions (it's a competition running and there are a lot of people submitting the forms).
If I upgrade, will the Google Sheets connection remain intact?
Any ideas?